Thursday, October 15, 2009

Gas Prices Jump after Nine Week Slump

This is an extract from

Reported by: Newsroom Solutions
Wednesday, Oct 14, 2009 @08:00am CDT

Some Americans might be wondering if the pain at the gas pump is making a comeback.

The nationwide average price for gasoline rose last week for the first time in nine weeks.

The national average for regular gasoline took a two-point-one-cent jump settling at $2.49 a gallon.

That average is 66 cents lower than a year ago.

In Arkansas, the average today is $2.31 a gallon.

The Energy Information Agency says as usual, the highest gasoline prices are in the West.

The stiffest price is being paid by San Francisco motorists at $3.06 per gallon.

The lowest prices for fuel are found in the Gulf Coast states and are lowest in Houston where the average is $2.24.

The Energy Department blames the higher price on higher priced crude oil which accounts for about half the cost of producing gasoline.

The West Coast also has the priciest diesel fuel averaging $2.73 per gallon.

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